1944-56 Getting married and moving to Montana

1944 - 1956

Created by backmanlynda 13 years ago
When mother married Jack Eugene Newell, she moved from a comfortable priviledged life in warm Phoenix AZ to follow her heart and travel with her new husband. First to La Jolla CA where her first baby, Tracy, was born. Then to Colorado then to Montana. When my brother, Terry, and I went to visit Mother the year she passed away, we found a dairy she kept during these years. It spoke of surviving cold Montana winters on a chicken farm. So cold she built 2 woodstove fires each morning to keep her babies warm. Having no refrigerator, selling rabbits for extra money while her new husband, a logger, was gone often finding work. It was much different than the life she was used to. I love the pictures of her - dressed in her pretty dresses....out in the snow!
